Perciv AI is awarded ELISE grant

🎉🚀We are deeply honored to announce that Perciv AI is among the select top 16 companies awarded by the ELISE’s 2nd Open Call, out of an impressive pool of over 400 applicants! 1️⃣6️⃣ / 4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ 🙌✨

The funding is provided by the EU-funded European Network of AI Excellence Centres - ELISE, a network of artificial intelligence research hubs where the best European researchers in Machine Learning and AI work together in close collaboration with ELLIS - European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

📡 + 📷💡 While our core strength lies in AI-driven radar perception, we recognize the value of sensor fusion, especially for such affordable and complementary sensors as cameras and radars. Leveraging this grant 🏆, we will enhance our 📡 4D radar + 📷 camera fusion pipeline, taking it beyond the lab and showcasing its capabilities in a real-life demonstration using embedded hardware 🚗.

The result is a cost-effective alternative to LiDAR, potentially expanding the reach of autonomous tech in developing countries.

📸 Have a sneak peak below: The left side displays traditional LiDAR, while the right showcases our radar and camera fusion with our predictions overlaid. Note how our approach detects all cars, pedestrians, and cyclists in the scene with a 80% cheaper sensor setup! 🪙

A big thank to ELISE for their support, and of course, huge congratulations to the other 15 winners, see them below:


Exciting times at RoboHouse's Robots in Business event!


Happy 1st Birthday, Perciv AI!